Don’t Be the Alpha Geek

Alpha Geek are experts in their fields and are considered to be authoritative sources of information or advice. They like to experiment with new technologies and often share their expertise with others.

Tim O’Reilly describes them as a “kitchen cabinet of trendsetters.” But what do they do exactly? And how can you work with them effectively?

1. You Don’t Know What You’re Doing 

The Alpha Geek is a person who has exceptional expertise in a particular field or topic, often technology and popular culture. They are also natural leaders within their community of tech enthusiasts. Their passion for continuous learning and keeping ahead of the curve makes them valuable trendsetters.

As such, they are a great source of guidance in the development and implementation of cutting-edge technologies. They can be a valuable resource for their peers and may even serve as mentors to the beta geeks around them.

Alpha Geeks often experiment with different technologies in their spare time, and they may be the ones to create a new framework or programming language. They have a deep understanding of the functionality, background, and correlation of various technologies.

2. You’re a Hitchhiker

Imagine you wake up in the passenger seat of a car, with no memory of who you are or where you’re headed. What would you do? That’s the premise of this quirky road-trip odyssey. You’ll be riding with drivers ranging from stoic farmers to off-duty waitresses, each of whom have their own stories to tell. Clues are dropped along the way, alliances formed and nothing is quite what it seems in this narrative heavy game.

Like other letterboxes, Hitchhikers (HH) can be found or placed, and it’s up to the individual whether they count their Finds or Places separately. However, just as with Finds, it is polite not to announce where you’ve hidden a HH, to keep others’ experiences a surprise. Mad About Pandas UG 2019. All Rights Reserved.

3. You’re a Liar

Alpha geeks are often seen as tech mavens within their circles, staying up to date on technology trends and advancements. Their influence and expertise is crucial in promoting the adoption and success of new technologies and products.

This is especially true if the alpha geek is an early adopter of a new technology. Their enthusiasm and passion for the product can help to drive sales and encourage others to adopt it as well.

However, it can also be a drawback. Some alpha geeks are sloppy liars who embellish stories, point fingers without evidence, and makeup statistics. They may even create their own “facts” to fit their agenda or just because they like attention.

4. You’re Selfish

Oftentimes, people who have been told that they’re selfish are not sure how to react. Getting called out on your selfishness can be hurtful, especially if it’s coming from someone close to you.

An Alpha Geek is someone who exhibits a high level of expertise and passion in a specific field or topic. In the world of technology, this means individuals who are considered leaders and influencers for their deep understanding of diverse technologies. These are people who others look to for guidance, support, and collaboration.

They love to stay current on the latest tech trends and products, and they share their knowledge with others. They’re also natural leaders and mentors to their peers.

Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, is a quintessential Alpha Geek. He has contributed significantly to open-source software and has been recognized by the tech community worldwide.

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5. You’re a Bully

Bullies often don’t understand how their behavior hurts others. They may think that bullying makes them popular or gives them power. They may be copying what they see adults doing in their families, at work or in other places they spend time. Bullies are also often very jealous. They may envy a smarter student, a better soccer player or someone who is popular.

When kids bully other students, they are often sent to the principal’s office or told they can’t go to recess or school at all. They may lose their friends and get bad reputations among other kids. They also have a harder time getting respect from adults.


Whether it’s because they want to gain a reputation as an expert or they’re trying to impress their peers, some alpha geeks lie to get what they want. Their sloppy lies can lead to disaster when they don’t check their facts and someone else calls them out on it. Grace Hopper, the US Navy rear admiral and computer scientist who invented the first compiler, is a notable example of an alpha geek.

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