- by Olivia
Table of Contents
ToggleWhat is Facebook Jail?
Facebook Jail is the unspoken term used when Facebook Suspends Accounts (profile or commercial page) due to a violation of Facebook’s community standards. Facebook would suspend an account from being able to use certain features for some time due to possible violations, suspicious activity, or spammy interaction. Facebook uses this as a means of letting the user know that their actions have or are going to have a long-term effect on the status and sharing on the site. Facebook also allows users to recover privileges once they have been suspended so it gives them a way to reconnect with their friends and family.
Some things can get you suspended on Facebook and some things don’t. Spam, like any other type of spam, is one thing that can get you suspended. Other activities such as posting comments in newsfeeds about news stories and pictures, sending private messages or requests for relationships, requests for groups to join, and similar things can result in your account getting suspended. It is important to be cognizant of these activities since they could be considered a violation of Facebook’s community standards and policies. The most common way to get your account suspended is through engaging in activities that violate the Facebook Terms of Service which can include spamming.
To avoid being suspended, it is important to follow the rules and community standards of Facebook even if you are not sure whether you did something wrong. The most common way to go about doing this is to create a new email address for your business as a way of keeping all of your personal and business-related communications separate. Facebook Jail can be very tricky and many social sellers have had to deal with it while trying to sell on Facebook. As always, make sure you know your rights and the boundaries of the internet when dealing with Facebook.
Account Suspension:
There are several reasons as to why a particular user may have his or her profile on Facebook suspended. Facebook has several terms as to what actions will result in suspension, and these can change at any given time. A suspended account may be terminated for whatever reason Facebook chooses to impose at any given time. In some cases, an account is suspended for inappropriate posts or messages posted by a registered user. Other times a particular user may be suspended for activities that he or she may not have authorized or sought authorization for.
Restricting Account:
If a suspended account is terminated, it means that the account has been restricted. Restricting an account usually means that the user will not be able to make new postings or take any new pictures. New applications and privileges are also not granted. Users who find that their Facebook pages are inaccessible may be able to make a dispute, contact Facebook, or remove the account. This means that the account is removed from Facebook completely and all activities posted on it are stopped.
Duration of Suspension:
The duration of time that an account is suspended can vary. For some users, their account might be suspended for a day, while for others it could remain offline for up to a month. The length of time you are suspended also depends upon whether your Facebook suspends you for violating the terms of service or for some other reason. If your account is suspended because of an illegal post or activity, it is likely that your activities will continue to be monitored and may result in further action against you.
When does Facebook suspend an account for violations of its terms of service?
Facebook suspends accounts for several different reasons, including engaging in activities that violate Facebook’s policies, sending messages or posts in violation of terms of service, falsely reporting violations of terms of service or making posts that encourage violence or criminal activity, or violating the privacy of anyone else. In cases where a user has been suspended for any of these reasons, he or she will be unable to create a new profile or click to enter other chat rooms until the suspension is lifted. Finally, in the case of a severe violation, Facebook may suspend an account permanently.
If a user finds that he or she has broken any of the community guidelines that Facebook has in place, he or she may want to reconsider continuing to use the service. Also, if a user engages in conduct that he or she knows will cause his or her Facebook account to be suspended, he or she should consider whether those actions constitute a violation of Facebook’s policies or terms of service. In this case, a user is typically required to notify the company immediately to avoid further penalties or action.
Can a user be suspended for engaging in behavior that he or she did not do?
For instance, if a person intends to impersonate a business, but continues to make posts on the business’s page that are false or misleading, this could lead to a suspension of the user’s account. False posts that do not immediately tell the user that they are being misrepresented can still lead to suspension.
How are false posts detected?
Facebook has a blog where it publishes announcements about the way it monitors the activity on a user’s account. While this blog does not specify when does Facebook suspends an account, it does note that once a post is suspected of being false, the user will be alerted so he or she can correct the post.
Is a suspended user allowed to return to the site?
If a user is suspended due to violating the terms of service or posting something illegal, he or she will most likely be unable to register or login to the site. Therefore, the user will be able to post once more, but it will not be possible for him or her to use his or her account to send or receive any posts or messages. Additionally, once a user attempts to register or login after being suspended, the posts and messages he or she has made on the social media platform will not appear on the user’s profile or page.